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Everything started with something as small as this

My first globe that I still have. I do not remember if it belonged to an old pencil sharpener, or if it was always that way; free of bow and base. Could that explain its survival until today?

As small as I used to be...

After thay, I discovered maps


Maps are windows to the unknown: they allow us to see places far away in space and time. Each map, as a representation of "the reality" have their own significations and codes. Maps not only guide us but also tell us stories. They talk about time: it is not coincidence thay every adventure has its beginning on the surface of a map.

After thet, spheres...


Later, I begun so see how certain map projections are able to give life to new worlds, each unique and beatiful. I managed to get the globe I always wanted when I was a kid, but never had, but finally I got it!

(And now, as I am older, I pretend to be a kid again!)

Meanwhile, I became a graphic designer!

Cartography makes us familiar what is elusive to direct experience



- Astronomers -


Galileo Galilei

Percival Lowell

Carl Sagan

- Writers -


Ray Bradbury

Isaac Asimov

Julio Verne

Arthur C. Clarke

H. P. Lovecraft

J. R. R. Tolkien

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